Welcome to Shane LV's Portfolio Portal Site. Thank you for visiting and I look forward to assisting you with your media design needs.


Chinese Soul Food Movie Trailer

Edited, added titles, researched and synched music for Tommy Otis' 1st feature short.
View Full Movie on YouTube (Coming Soon)

The Talk Key Art (Best Of)

Here we have a video representation of our fave Key Art style marquees for The Talk.
View Full Portfolio

Wyrmwood Motion Poster

Fan made motion poster for the movie Wyrmwood.
Be sure to read the "What I Did" section

What I did
Love Stories

Edited, added music, synced sound for various edits on this comedic short as well as the Title and Credit Crawl. Written and directed by Roy Eisenstein.

V Day

Animatic for potential animated music video.

Hand sketched storyboard, scanned, colored and animated (roughly) in less than 3 days.

What I Hear

Video of Whistling Gash performing What I hear.

Edit video and sync to sound.

Bad Moms

Cheers to Bad Moms scene, something for fun.

Bill (Writings Hard)

Clip from Bill (2015) for practice and fun.

Edited section of video and spliced in audio to fit. Thought it was funny to post on Good in a Room to show that writing is hard.